Thursday, December 30, 2021

NASA so far succeeding in horrendously complex process of unfolding their new telescope in space

 I think there are 600 discrete steps or so.  it's a monstrous thing and had to be so folded up tightly into the rocket to get up there... i'm outside so my hands might be too cold to type in a description.

here is photo of the 5 sunshields unfolded for testing, messy delicate

here is photo of 18 segment primary mirror and secondary focus mirror way up there all unfolded

i dont think theyve ever had EVERYTHING unfolded at once

here it is all folded up for putting into space capsule

here is animation of unfolding sequence

here is NASA webpage showing what stage of unfolding we are at currently

we are at step 12!

this nasa we blog keeps us up to date

then we have to get to it's orbital position and then we have to wait months for it to get really cold!  it needs to get cold because it is not a visible light telescope, it sees in infrared (radiant heat, subtle radiant heat from billion light years away galaxies.)  so just like you gotta keep stray light away fromm telescope at night, we gotta keep stray heat away from james webb telescope.  so we cool it to 100s degrees below zero and shade it from sun AND earth. that's what the 5 sunsheilds are for.

what will we see?  galaxies way way close to the begining of the universe.  star formation, and ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY of planets around OTHER stars!  and things we haven't yet dreamed of.

good luck