Sunday, November 15, 2020

Correct Protein Function Depends On Sequence and RATE Of Folding. Genes Code For BOTH!


Some fascinating technical biology. 
When we figured out how genes, which are like blueprints in a library, specify how to make proteins which are nanomolecular robots that make the chemical transformations that is life, that act as mini computers to process information that come together to make the mobile scaffolding that builds us... we thought we knew how the sequence of letters in each gene specified the correct sequence of the 20 different amino acids we snap together one after the other, like different tools, to make each robot. This beaded string of amino acid tools then folds into a stiff or flexy chemically active robot.
The code allows for specifying up to 64 different amino acids, but biology, world wide from bacteria to oak tree to human only uses 20. So there is some redundancy in the code. This has been a mystery.
It has also slowly become apparent that we don't understand how the strings of amino acids fold into the right shape. And indeed, under some conditions they don't!
A recent paper describes a clever way this redundancy allows for a gene to not only specify the correct sequence of amino acid tools to build the right protein but also to specify the speed at which the protein is built, which is essential for it folding into the correct functional shape.
New work hints at a reason why the genetic code is redundant! Needs to code not only for sequence of aminos but also the RATE at which the sequence gets translated to get the right shape and right function. Clever! Explainer:
Reading genes with 4 possible bases 3 at a time can lead to 4x4x4 possible words, translated to 64 possible amino acids to build proteins. Yet biology uses only 20! Presently most aminos are represented by 2 to 6 possible base combos. Redundant! or is it?
Protein function is dependent on shape. We knew shape is dependent on amino acid sequence specified in genes. But it's not like computer code, it's also physics, so shape is also dependent on RATE of building a protein. Cells need to regulate THAT. wait for it...

The redundancy in the genetic code allows for this. For each amino, different codons that code for it can have a different tRNA molecule translate the code to amino. Different versions of tRNA for each amino are made in varying amounts.
Needing a tRNA of low abundance will slow down the protein building process. By coding for a rare tRNA or abundant one the genes can also code for the RATE of translation (=building) of the protein and therefore its correct finally folded shape. 4/4

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Outline For a Biology Text (Or Narrative)

paint wild story of 100 critters processes, narrative?  like sexvines?  start out your window then get wider and wider, like prolegomenon.. mention dynamism, energy flow, and creativity
<e. coli, rhizobium, nostoc, bacillus, moss, hemlock, fern, cuscuta, milkweed, dandelion, solidago, clocer, oaks, wolffia, poa, wheat, corn, rosa multiflora, strawberry, crategus, potato, chickweed, ragweed, spyrogyra, stentor, gregarines, saprolegnia, euglena, parabasilid in termites, in cows, amoeba, physarum, dictyostelium, chytrid, pilobolus, entomophthora, rhizopus, saccaromyces, microsphaera mildew, peziza, candelaria, physcia, lecidia, lecanora, agaricus, bolete ectos, ganoderma, puccinia, sugar eater, cellulose eater, lignin eater.. cat, cow, humans, squirel, coyote, mice, raccoon, crow, ring beaked gull, passer, mocking bird, red tail hawk, woodpecker, garter snake, painted turtle, sunfish, (i don't know fish) crayfish, sowbug, millipede, centipede, ostracods, cyclops, gall mite, soil mites, argiope, funnel webber, opiliones, crab spider, dragonfly, staph beetle, japanese scarab, aphid, ambrosia beetle, firefly, periplaneta, grasshoper, cicada, spittlebug, flea, collembolans, termite, monarch, aquatic caddisfly, fruitfly, housefly, asilid hunter, mosquito, ground beetles, tent catipilar, cabbage butterfly, gall wasps, hyperparasitoid ichneumon, polistes, yellowjacket, carpenter ants, formica, bombus, honeybee, halictid, hydra, planaria, trematode parasite, tapeworm, rotifers, aquatic nematodes, plant parasite nematodes, predatory soil nematodes, trichonosis, earthworm, leech, small landsnails, common water snail, slug, waterbear>

time, predictability, equilibrium, quantum unpredictablitiy, chaotic dynamical systems, disspative..

mantle convection
weather and ocean convection and circulation cells
chemical cycles?

these three examples are spread across 3 diff chaps: geology, weather/oceanography, geochem to life.

orbit, rotation,

size, scientific notation
area, volume, conversions
velocity, acceleration, force
how we measure
maybe even measuring the size of earth, cavendish, density of earth?
microscope, magnification, electron microscope
conservation of energy, friction,
electromagnetic spectrum from sun, how it makes photochemistry
photochemistry, cosmic rays build organic compounds in comets and meteors

wind, running water, rain, floods, rivers, deltas, [ i got lots of duplication here]

minerals, mineral diversity ,rocks, compounds, elements
oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium,
carbon, sulfur

feldspar, mica, quartz        50

gravity, iron catastrophe, differntiation
plaate tectonics, continental drift,  crust,
mantle, outer core, inner core
radioactive heating??, mantle convection (what's the source of this heat?),
continental crust, ocean crust
sea floor spreading
sea vents
subduction zone, mountain building, volcanoes

rock cycle and life's part in it
mineral cycling

globe, size, mass, volume, %life        24

sea level, changes in sea level,  tides,
ocean, ice, , water vapor, estuaries,
ocean currents, surface currents, convection currents,

continental shelf,

weather,  temperature, humidity, cloudiness, wind, precipitation

latitude, altitude, topography of landforms
land and water distribution, ocean currents,
 axis tilt, uneven insolation, uneven heating, seasons, climates
climate change, ice ages,

sun, energy, outerspace spread out and cold
energy flow
radiation, conduction, convection ,advection (wind),
circular cells,
ice caps,
atmosphere circ system
weather is chaotic, climate change is chaotic, whole techtonic ocean current, climatic system is chaotic

weathering, mechanical, freezing water, temperature change, biotic movement
chemical, water, carbonic acid, clays,

ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation

nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour,  carbon dioxide

evaporation, convection, humidity,  condensation
dew, frost, fog, clouds, rain, snow

ponds, lakes, rivers, swamps,  ground water
anomolous expansion of water

coriolis, taylor cells, tilt, seasons       111

matter, solid, liquid, gas

elements, atoms,  chemical symbol, compounds, molecules
chemical formula, structural formula,
metal, alkali and alkaline earths gr 1, 2, nonmetal, metalloids
density, boiling point, solubility

carbon nitrogen oxygen phosphorus sulfer chlorine
iron silicon aluminum
nickel copper zinc
vanadium chromium manganese cobolt molybdenum,
sodium magnesium potassium calcium

gasses, law of definite proportions,
Mendeleyev, periodic law, periodic chart of elements,
atomic number, electron shells, valence, electron, atomic weight, isotopes, C14 etc..

chemical change, physical change, reactants, products
chemical equilibrium, static equilibrium, dynamic equilibrium
non equilibrium cycles ie atmos gases under sunlight
enzymes, precipitate
reaction rate affected by temp, increased by catalysts, catalysts

mixtures, solution, solute, solvent, polar solvent, water,
non-polar solvent, detergents=cell membrane lipids,

electrons, ionic bond, electromagnetic attraction, charge, valence shell
covalent bond,  metalic bond, hydrogen bonding,
van der Waal's forces

small covalent molecules , covalent networks, ionic compounds, cations=metals, anions=nonmetals, metals

chemical energy, heat, light, potential energy,
exothermic reaction, combustion,

temperature, specific heat capacity, heat energy,  change of state/phase transitions

thermometer, fahrenheit, celsius, freezing point, boiling point,
conduction, convection, radiative heat txfer

fluid is gas or liquid,  evaporation, condesnsation,
brownian motion, diffusion,
atomic theory, avogadro's number,
mass, density,

gram, atomic mass,  mole

coal, graphite, diamond,
carbon dioxide,  carbonic acid, carbonate,  methane ...
carbohydrates, organic molecules, hydrocarbons,  lipids,
ammonia, amino acids,
oxygen gas, water, ozone, phosphate phosphoric acid, sulfate
ATP, nucleic acids,
hydrogen sulfide, metal ores, protein iron oxides rust,
 silicon dioxide (quartz)  (Fe, Na, Mg, K, Ca)aluminosilicate minerals
transition metal ions for enzymes, magnesium in chloroplast, etc
table salt, metal ions in biol solution, calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate
 calcium phosphate,

ion,  acid carbonic acid
base,  salt,

oxidation, reduction,
oil  coal                162


stratigraphy, paleontology, relative age, radiometric dating, age of earliest rocks, fossils, mass extinctions

water cycle, vegetation protects soil,
carbon cycle, redox, carbonates
oxygen, sulfates, carbonates
nitrogen cycle, bacteria        18

[so scattered we need to delineate environments to life]
sea vents
alkali vents
fresh/salt water
diurnal cycles
uv input
rain erosion
CO2 interaction with rock

energy flow, entropy, maintenance of pattern, incorporation of food, growth
cells, individuals, evolution, death

earliest prokaryotic fossils
biology, organisms
synthesis, lipids cell membranes, carbon fixation
photosyntetic lithotrophs H2S back to S8
sulfides ores,
organisms interact with light
bacts that oxidize S sequester CaSo4 back to sediments viruses

microscope,  size of cells, num of cells
nutrients, 100 basic small molecules,
minerals Na, Ca, Mg, K, transition metals
vitamins, coenzymes
diffusion brownian motion, molecule,  active transport
osmosis, , exchange of food waste

sugars, glucose, anerobic respiration, fermentation, aerobic respiration

carbohydrates, glucose etc, polymer, macromolecule
polysaccharides starch glycogen cellulose

dinitrogen, nitrogen fixing bacteria
nitrogen cycle, legumes
22 amino acids
1000+ proteins enzymes structural proteins
nucleic acids ATP RNA DNA

asexual reproduction            63
@@@@<<< i still don't got the bacterial metabolisms down!>>>>@@@
<halophile arche
hotspring and seavent arche
e. coli
v. fisheri
i want an anaerobic chemolithoautotroph dammit
one that goes ammonia to nitrates Nitrobacter winogradskyi? Nitrosomonas?
one that goes nitrates to N2
lets see, want H2S to Sulfate: Thiobacillus
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans oxidizes ferrous compounds
H2S to S
Desulfovibrio reduces SO4 to H2S or S, to oxidize organics
produce H2 to protect from O2, released H2S reacts with iron to produce pyrite
how many phototrophs do i need? ok Chromatium is a purple sulfur that turns H2S to S in anaerobic env
Aquaspirillium magnetotacticum has magnets
Pillotina, Diplocalyx are the spirochaetes that live on parabasilids in termites
prochlorococcus most common marine in world
prochloron is chloroplast
Entophysalis coccoid builds stromatilites
nostoc gobs
nostoc with bryophytes
nostoc forms lichens
anabaena azollae with Azolla
Chloroflexus auranticum green nonsulfur autotroph in microbial mats with cyanos in hotsprings reduces water or
Chlorobium anoxygenic green sulfur bact rTCA H2S->S in muds
Micoplasmas smallest cells
Lactobacillus mild fermenter
Heliobacterium chlorum may be phaeo chloroplast
Arthrobacer can creates oxide varnishes on rocks
Streptomyces complex filaments and helical chains of actinospores, antibiotics
thermotoga deep sea vents anaerobic fermenters>
<@@ some of these are AFTER oxygen@@>

photosynthetic cyanos fix C, fix N
chloroplasts, chlorophyll, oxygen, hydrogen,
banded iron, oxide ores
anoxic mud
deep rock
bact invent flagella: motion! swimming!
methanogen release C
bacts that oxidize N
which bact turns NO3 back to N2

cyanos make strands
<prochlorococcus, Entophysalis, Oscilatoria, nostoc, anabaena>
ecosystems            21

<thermoplasma acidophilum hot springs  anc of host euks?, Rhodopseudomonas anc of mitochondria,
Paracoccus denitrificans anc of mitochondria,
Prochloron anc of chlorophyte chloroplasts,
heliobacterium anc to pahaeo chloroplasts>

bacts engulf each other and become euks
photosynthitic single cells pick some photos
the evolution of seeing begins

nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi ap,
chromosome,  gene, replication, nucleotide, genetic code, mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, proteins,
vacoule, chloroplast, mitochondria, cell wall

REPRODUCTION, mitosis, chromosomes,
sexual reproduction, diploid, haploid,  heredity, genetics
gene, dominant, recessive ,homozygous, heterozygous, sickle celled anemia, genetic diseases, hybrid

fertilization, gamete production, gametes, sperm, egg ovum, crossing over,
recombination, meiosis,  law of independant assortment,

mutations, clones

diatoms sequester SiO4
cells engulph photos, herbivors  pick some examples
cells engulph herbivores food chains
detrivors bacts and any euks?
food webs
primary producers, herbivores,  predator, prey
carnivore,  omnivore, decomposers, symbiosis, parasite, host,                 67
<Chlamydomonas, stentor, euplotes, didinium, vorticella, colpoda, dinos, coccolithophores, diatoms, forams, radiolarians, phacus, amoeba, pelomyxa, codosigidae, Trebouxia, desmids, Bodo, >

littoral zone

invade fresh water
<are there freshwater only single cell euks?  which epitomise the colonization of fresh water?  theres an estruarian continuum...>
cyanos can live on land?  who can live on rocks?
coccolithophores fix CaCO3
fungi like critters invade cells
fungi like critters invade multicells
chytrids invade fungi like critters who invade multicells..
filter feeders            8

euks begin multicell: algae,
alternation of life cycles: benthic algae, planktonic dispersal
algae begin fixing CaCO3 to stromatolite reefs
 , carbonates seashells limetone
ciliates eat algae filiments
forams live in benthos collecting debris, critters
filter feeders sponges
tentacles hydra
corals engulf dinos start reef building in earnest
grazers of multicell algae,
who eats corals?            15

s.a to vol ratio, protists, animals, growth, tissues
organism, embryo, development, cell specialization,
organ systems:
nervous system, circ sys, resp sys, dig sys, excr sys, endocr sys, imm sys, repro sys, musc skell sys

gas exchange,
degestion, mechanical digestion,  extracellular digestion
enzymes, stomach, liver
absorbtion, small intestine
feces, water balance
gonads, testes,  ovaries, conception, zygote, embryo,

excretion, urinary system, kidney, water balance, urine

neurons, nerve impulse, synapse,
homeostasis water and heat regulation

information between systems   hormones, nervous system, endocrine glands

negative feedback
metabolic rate
readyness for action adrenal gland
osmoregulation kedneys,
glucose level pancreas insulin  liver glycogen   57
<lithothamnion, polysiphonia, ulva, pandora, volvox, acetabularia, chara, spyrogyra, filamentous colony diatom, fucus, kelps, vaucharia, saprolegnia (late?), labyrinthulos, rhizidiomyces on saprolegnia, colonial Spumellarian radiolarian, pelomyxa, (marine myxomyces?), chytrids, triskelion, quilted vendians>

food chains get longer
shells and claws
metamorphosis: between plankton for spreading and benthos/ littoral for living
seeweeds climb up the littoral zone
<lobster, barnacles, sacculina, ostracods, cyclops, daphnia, parasitic copepods, isopod, crabs, horseshoe crab, placazoa, sponge, jelly, physonect siphonophores, hunting cubo, cora, lobelia, comb jellys, mesozoa, myxozoa, hydra, sea anemone, planaria, trematode, rotifers, nematodes, polychates, filter feeder fanworms, derworm, leech, chiton, dart snails, nudibranchs, plant slug, pulmonate freshwater snails, drilling gastropod, burrowing bivalcves, scallops, tridacna, waterbear, bryzoan, cycliophora, starfish, seacucumber, basket star, sea urchin, crinoid, chaetognath, seavent pogonophores, tunicates, pyrosoma, doliolum, oikopleura, trichoplax, loricifera, cephalochordata, unradial echinos, trilobites, opabinia, anomalocharis, sea scorpions, (include some more!)>
<Pfeisteria piscidida, malaria, gregarines, saprolegnia, Coelomomyces like critters, trypanosome, (parabasilids only symbiotes of land critters?) giardia?, myxobolus pfeifferi, Entamoeba>

Devonian period
fast large swimmers fish
Skeletal sys: bones 206, calcium phosphate, marrow, cartilage, joints, ligaments tie bones together,  vertibrae, teeth,
<flying fish, mola, manta ray, sharks, eel, seahorses, anglers, cleaner fish, lampreys, flounder, fastest, biggest, smallest, puffer, moray, sturgeon, ceolocanth ( i don't have good sense of fish ecology and evol, what are the basic fish types?), amonites, nautilus, giant squid, hawaiin bobtail squid, octopus>
@@<<< in general, which critters evolved LATER even though they fill the early niches i'm describing.  tricky>>>>@@@

transport, arteries, veins, capillaries, gills
to lungs, liver, stomach/intestines, kidneys, other tissues carbon dioxide, oxygen,
heart, blood cels, white blood cells, lymph system, water balance

protection sensory water temperature regulation

sensory visual auditory taste olfactory touch  others
animal senses lateral line, palps, antennae, whiskers,
motor, connecting,  voluntary fcts, cerebrum, cerebellum
involuntary fcts, medula oblongata,

fish schools
many animals invent large egg gambit, care for young
live in mud filter feed
symbiotes inside multicell animals
parasites of all kinds of cells
single cells and algae and animals invade freshwater: homeostasis
fungal detrivors            69

fossils, evolution, homologous structures, vestigial structures
island biogeography, thry of ev by natural selection, charles darwin
overpopulation, variation mutation,
differential survival (survival of the fittest)
inheritance, adaption, speciation, extinction, genetics
[do i want to put it right at the beginning of life, as a basic property of life, or down here after some examples?]                15

do lichens evolve with single celled algae BEFORE Ulvophytes invade land?
nitrogen fixing lichens
arthropods invade land to fly to new ponds
arthropods invent flying
fishapods invade land to find new ponds and oxygen
lungs, breathing
fishapods eat arthropods
arthropod predators
arthropod herbivors
spiders invent aireal filter feeding    13
<cyanos, rhodos, ulvos, chara?, coleochytae, fucus, vaucharia, botrydium, dictyostelium? physarum? (or do they come after wood?)  (i don't know how to separate this, which critters came to land for oxygen before plants evolved.  do i put lichens here, or after plants?), lungfish, fishapods, mudskippers, crayfish, barnacles, hermit crabs, fiddler crabs, centipede? sand fleas>

Ulvophytes and fungi invade land mycorrhyza, create hypersea

chloroplasts, vacuole 2dim fluid creature with turgor skeleton, meristem
apical tissue buds, bud
leaf,  stomate, transpiration
stem, underground rhizome stolon
root, root hairs, absorbs water and minerals, active transport, osmosis
vegetative reproduction, clone
stomates, heliotropism,, geotropism gravity, thigmotropism
plants explore their environment

single cell parasites that live in plant hypersea

biotic production of soil
soil, regolith results of weathering, plants, burrowing, worms, ants, humus
soil, climate, nitrates, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium,sulfates
northern forests humus, laterites tropics less humus
agriculture, soil waste, soil conservation

herbaceous plants, woody plants, trees, shrubs
nitrogen fixing plant symbioses
lichen that lives in antarctic rocks
insect herbivores            56
<moss, nostoc in bryos, psylium, lycopods, what's that other group the resurrection plants, hepatophytes, azolla, anabaena in azolla,  oomycotes on plants, Plasmodiophorans, definitely dictyostelium, physarum, plant parasitic chytrids, mucors, cochlonema explicatum on amoeba, thermomucor on compost, mucors attacking mucors, dactylaria candida lassoes nematodes, zygos in general, physcia, cladonia, reindeer moss, lecanora, lecidia, lepraria, verrucaria serpuloides (marine) collema inside nostoc, cryptoendolithics, saccaromyces, microshaeras on plants, cordyceps invade insects, termitomyces, peziza, morells, truffles ectomycos, claviceps on insects, rhytisma, epichloe, laboulaeniomycetes (some of these come after prairies?  i don't know... ), Amylostereum woodwasp fungus, Lepiota rozites leafcutter gardens, 1000yr old armillaria patch, tiny mycenas on leaf, agaricus, Pleurotus ostreatus rots wood, or invades nematodes, bolete ectomycorrs and monotropoid mycorrs, coprinus, laetiporus, Ganoderma, trametes, earth stars, mutinus, network phallale, birdsnests, septobasidium like system?, glomero vesicular arbuscular mycorrs, geosiphon pyriforme and nostoc punctiforme, microsporidium parasite of apicomplexan, nosema, frog, toad, eft, caecillians, axolotle, (include fossil guys), terrestrial hermit crabs, millipede, sowbugts, plant gall mites, swimming mites, soil mites, argiope, bolas, diving spiders, funnel webbers, cobwebbers, opiliones, pseudoscorpion, fisher spider, tarantula, ticks,
dragonfly, biggest rhinoceros beetle, scarab, aphid, scale insect (with septo), ambrosia beetle, diving beetle, firefly, periplaneta, katydid, tiger beetle, swarming locust, antlion, 17year cicada, spittlebug, waterboatman, reduvid bloodsucker, flea, walking stick, collembolans, mayfly, lice, Halobates, Utacapnia spends entire life cycle bottom of lake tahoe, Strepsiptera,  aquatic caddis fly, bot fly, asilid hunter, gnat, mosquito, sawfly, siricid wasp, cynipid wasps, galls, ichneumanoid wasp parasitoid, hyperparasitoids etc.., land planaria, soil nematodes, plant parasite nematodes, trichonosis, earthworm, landleech, landsnails, slugs, onychophoran, pentostomid>

Carboniferous period
produce wood
cambium, phloem, xylem, circulation system
fungi degest wood
fungi live in plants
fungi invade plants
fungi invade insects
termites invent gut flora chew wood digest it
tree climbers
tree grazers
fishapods become herbivors

(fit Permian extinction, Mesozoic in here somewhere)
(traissic, jurassic, cretaceous)
cyanos, lichens live on tree bark
detrivors churn soil
many phyla invade land: planaria, nematodes, mollusks, earthworms, tardigrads, onychophorans,
nematodes invade plants
fungi invade nematodes
decide how to divide up the different types of symbiotes
single celled parasites that live in animal hypersea
multicelled parasites that live in animal hypersea
multihost parasites
leaf mining
narrow diet
burrowing animals
tree nesting
dinos fly
dinos go back to the sea        45
<ferns, tree ferns, lycopod trees, horsetails, seeds, seed boring insects, mites..., redwood, welwitchia, hemlock, gingko, bristlecone pine, pine, boletes with pines, alligator, anaconda, rattlesnake, lesbian lizards, seasnakes, gegko, komodo dragon, chamelion, basilisk, legless lizards, galapagos iguana, sea turtle, galapagos tortise, mata mata, snapping turtle, (more fossil guys), herbivore dinos, trex, bronto, swimming dynos, pteradactyls, feather dinos>
<(when to put later freshwater fish? cichlids, guppies, sunfish, archer fish..>

K/T boundary extinction somewhere here, Teirtiary
seed dispersers
larvae develop in developing seeds
flowers/pollinators/seed dispersers

flowers, sepal petal, stamen anther pollen, pistil stigma ovary fruit, ovule seed, seed dispersal, germination, pollination, wind pollination, insect pollination, nectar, seeds

hymeno parasitoids invade plants, insects each other  30
<chocolate, kalanchoe with babies on leaves, boojum, rafflesia, staepelia, cocconut palm, mistletoe, cuscuta, bannana, maple, skunk cabbage, milkweed, sunflower, dandelion, baobab, solidago, Impatiens capensis, beet, bromeliad, spanish moss, prickly pear, saguaro, jade plant, cyperus, horsetail, indian pipe, clover, oaks, wolffia, creosote clone, aloe vera, century plant, onion, yucca, fig, strangler fig, Oenothera polyploids, lady slipper, wasp orchid, 9"spur orchid, bristlecone pine, Poa, bamboo, wheat/barley/rye, rice, prairie grass invent fires, elymus and epichloe and phorid, corn, phragmites, Rosa multiflora, Strawberry, Crataegus, potato, Tilia helicopters, eel grass, tumbleweed, plant with seeds survive in ground, plant travels around world on birds, plants raft to islands, any plants like moss? can colonize rock?, Hymenoscyphus ericae ericoid mycorrs, epichloe on grass, crazy anastomizing hanging one, Lobaria oregana chloro and cyano algaes supply forests with nitrogen, monotropoid mycorrs, Puccinia graminis, Gymnosporangium juniperus-virginaeae, Septobasidium, Rhizoctonia orchid mycorrs,
cat, cow, beavers, bats, dolphins, marmoset chimeras,  Devil allograft facial tumor, naked mole rats, kangaroo, platypus, fruitbats, panda, anteater, star nose mole, vampire bat, prairi dog, flying squirel, narwhal, cheeta, hyena, baboon, manatee, seal, dwarf mongoose, sea otter, elephant, giraffe, goats, raven, crow, brown thrasher, alex the grey parrot, emperor penguin, burrowing owl, bee hummingbirds, arctic tern, frigate bird, cowbird, passer domesticus, mocking bird, scrub jays, weaver nest birds in afrcia, species ring of gulls, condor, biggest harpy eagle, bowerboird, peacock, ostrich, boll weevil, many seed insects, dermestids in cumin, yucca moth, papillio dardanus batesian mimic polymorphy, monarch, heliconians, beemimic flies, well, insects explode here...figwasp, xylocopa, halictids, leafcutter bee, beewolves>

social insects! ants and termites take over land
now meadows!
grass invent fire cleared prairies
perennial, annual
dinosaurs invent flying: birds
warm blooded verts invade the night: mammals
mammals invent placentas live young
womb, fur, ectotherm, milk, care of young, inner ear, teeth differentiation

animals invent large egg gambit take care of young
sociality in land animals
grass grazing
mammals learn to fly: bats
mammals go back to the sea: cetaceans
big brains carnivores,  cetaceans
apes become visual
ice ages
Holocene                33
<termites, termite fungus, termite basilids etc..., paper wasps, polistes, carpenter ants, formica rufa, slave making formica, microgyne formica, a totally parasitic ant, klepto ants, leaf cutters, army ants, fire ants, auropunctata, african weaver ants, honeypots, biggest supercolony ants, bombus, psytherus, halictids, meliponins, honeybee, wolves, cetaceans, cichlids really, beavers? prairi dog, babboon, dwarf mongoose, elephant, are there any very social birds?  scrub jay, weaver nesters, parrots..>

humans and grasses invent agriculture spread over the earth
humans extend the grasslands and fire, ultimately agriculture DOESN'T work, deserts
ecosystem in the brain
language explodes
culture explodes
art explodes
religion explodes
civilizations with specilization
conquer all biomes
world wide network of communication
humans begin mature love affair with Earth: science
human industry begins to tax the Earth
humans begin to understand how earth gives rise to life, complexity, molecules...
humans can cause a mass extinction or reproduce earth to other planets
archeology                25


 (damm bar! you got 950 words, concepts, topics.. and you aint even introduced the organisms yet.

there is some redundancy, maybe 50 to 75 terms are repeated? say at this rate i add 300 organisms

1200 details/ 10 details per page? 120 pages textbook.
not right.  some of these concepts can be defined in a sentence or a picture, others need a page or more...  don't know what the average is.

range is from 60 to 1200 pages.

this is very big.

now can you get it down to average of 6/page X30 =180 details?

don't forget the original outlines for biobook304 and prolegomenon.  you don't need all these damm terms...)

Evolution Of Life By Niche

ok, bar what are the basic niches:
ok, i got over a 100 niches 113.  now pick an interesting critter for each.  and we've got our organisms for biobook.

you know once i get to specific organisms the niches will multiply!  same variety of niches for each clade.  arggh.

you know, if you make this the narrative, you can include all the biology concepts into it.  hmm

photosyntetic lithotrophs H2S back to S8
bacts that oxidize S sequester CaSo4 back to sediments
photosynthetic cyanos fix C, fix N
anoxic mud
deep rock
methanogen release C
bacts that oxidize N
which bact turns NO3 back to N2
cyanos make strands
bacts engulf each other and become euks
photosynthitic single cells pick some photos
diatoms sequester SiO4
cells engulph photos, herbivors  pick some examples
cells engulph herbivores food chains
detrivors bacts and any euks?
littoral zone
invade fresh water
cyanos can live on land?  who can live on rocks?
coccolithophores fix CaCO3
fungi like critters invade cells
fungi like critters invade multicells
chytrids invade fungi like critters who invade multicells..
filter feeders
euks begin multicell: algae,
alternation of life cycles: benthic algae, planktonic dispersal
algae begin fixing CaCO3 to stromatolite reefs
ciliates eat algae filiments
forams live in benthos collecting debris, critters
filter feeders sponges
tentacles hydra
corals engulf dinos start reef building in earnest
grazers of multicell algae,
who eats corals?
food chains get longer
shells and claws
metamorphosis: between plankton for spreading and benthos/ littoral for living
seeweeds climb up the littoral zone
fast large swimmers fish amonites
fish schools
many animals invent large egg gambit, care for young
live in mud filter feed
symbiotes inside multicell animals
parasites of all kinds of cells
single cells and algae and animals invade freshwater: homeostasis
fungal detrivors
do lichens evolve with single celled algae BEFORE Ulvophytes invade land?
nitrogen fixing lichens
arthropods invade land to fly to new ponds
arthropods invent flying
fishapods invade land to find new ponds and oxygen
fishapods eat arthropods
arthropod predators
arthropod herbivors
spiders invent aireal filter feeding
Ulvophytes and fungi invade land mycorrhyza, create hypersea
single cell parasites that live in plant hypersea
building up of soil
nitrogen fixing plant symbioses
produce wood
fungi degest wood
fungi live in plants
fungi invade plants
fungi invade insects
termites invent gut flora chew wood digest it
lichen that lives in antarctic rocks
tree climbers
tree grazers
fishapods become herbivors
cyanos, lichens live on tree bark
detrivors churn soil
many phyla invade land: planaria, nematodes, mollusks, earthworms, tardigrads, onychophorans,
nematodes invade plants
fungi invade nematodes
decide how to divide up the different types of symbiotes
single celled parasites that live in animal hypersea
multicelled parasites that live in animal hypersea
multihost parasites
leaf mining
narrow diet
burrowing animals
tree nesting
dinos fly
dinos go back to the sea
seed dispersers
larvae develop in developing seeds
flowers/pollinators/seed dispersers
hymeno parasitoids invade plants, insects each other
social insects! ants and termites take over land
pollen eating bees become social
now meadows!
grass invent fire cleared prairies
dinosaurs invent flying: birds
warm blooded verts invade the night: mammals
mammals invent placentas live young
animals invent large egg gambit take care of young
sociality in land animals
grass grazing
mammals learn to fly: bats
mammals go back to the sea: cetaceans
big brains carnivores, apes, cetaceans
humans and grasses invent agriculture spread over the earth